
About US

Since 2005, Pastor David Liesenfelt has shepherded Rock Valley Christian Church in Murrieta, California. But in November of 2018, God placed a calling on his heart to begin visiting Dallas in order to help raise up a church here. Within months, God provided a wonderful meeting place, an ever-growing community of believers and a name: Oak Stone Christian Church.

Through David’s leadership and ongoing mentorship, in September 2021, three elders were ordained to carry on the work of pastoring/shepherding the Oak Stone body: Adam Clark, Justin Glasgow and Eric Hughes. Since planting Oak Stone, David is now focused on following the Lord’s call to plant additional churches across the nation under the banner of 1412Church, an organization that seeks to empower church planting wherever God leads via the Pauline model.

Seeing what God has done with Oak Stone is nothing short of a testimony to His goodness and faithfulness. In Joshua 24, a large stone was placed under an oak tree to witness to the Israelites’ decision to follow God. It is our desire that this church be our very own Oak Stone: a witness to the world of the blessings that come from choosing to serve the Lord. 

If you’d like to learn more about our beliefs and teachings, please visit our sermon library. Or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

As in Revelation 14:12, come join us in keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ!